********************* Information Functions ********************* CURRENT_USER, USER ================== .. c:macro:: CURRENT_USER .. c:macro:: USER **CURRENT_USER** and **USER** are pseudo-columns and can be used interchangeably. They return the user name that is currently logged in to the database as a string. Please note that :func:`USER` and :func:`SYSTEM_USER` functions return the user name with a host name. :rtype: STRING .. code-block:: sql --selecting the current user on the session SELECT USER; :: CURRENT_USER ====================== 'PUBLIC' .. code-block:: sql SELECT USER(), CURRENT_USER; :: user() CURRENT_USER ============================================ 'PUBLIC@cdbs006.cub' 'PUBLIC' .. code-block:: sql --selecting all users of the current database from the system table SELECT name, id, password FROM db_user; :: name id password ========================================================= 'DBA' NULL NULL 'PUBLIC' NULL NULL 'SELECT_ONLY_USER' NULL db_password 'ALMOST_DBA_USER' NULL db_password 'SELECT_ONLY_USER2' NULL NULL DATABASE, SCHEMA ================ .. function:: DATABASE() .. function:: SCHEMA() The functions **DATABASE** and **SCHEMA** are used interchangeably. They return the name of currently-connected database as a **VARCHAR** type. :rtype: STRING .. code-block:: sql SELECT DATABASE(), SCHEMA(); :: database() schema() ============================================ 'demodb' 'demodb' DEFAULT ======= .. function:: DEFAULT (column_name) .. c:macro:: DEFAULT The **DEFAULT** and the **DEFAULT** function returns a default value defined for a column. If a default value is not specified for the column, **NULL** or an error is output. **DEFAULT** has no parameter, however, the **DEFAULT** function uses the column name as the input parameter. **DEFAULT** can be used for the input data of the **INSERT** statement and the **SET** clause of the **UPDATE** statement and the **DEFAULT** function can be used anywhere. If any of constraints is not defined or the **UNIQUE** constraint is defined for the column where a default value is not defined, **NULL** is returned. If **NOT NULL** or **PRIMARY KEY** constraint is defined, an error is returned. .. code-block:: sql CREATE TABLE info_tbl(id INT DEFAULT 0, name VARCHAR); INSERT INTO info_tbl VALUES (1,'a'),(2,'b'),(NULL,'c'); SELECT id, DEFAULT(id) FROM info_tbl; :: id default(id) ============================= 1 0 2 0 NULL 0 .. code-block:: sql UPDATE info_tbl SET id = DEFAULT WHERE id IS NULL; DELETE FROM info_tbl WHERE id = DEFAULT(id); INSERT INTO info_tbl VALUES (DEFAULT,'d'); .. note:: In version lower than CUBRID 9.0, the value at the time of CREATE TABLE has been saved when the DATE value of the DATE, DATETIME, TIME, TIMESTAMP column has been specified as SYS_DATE, SYS_DATETIME, SYS_TIME, SYS_TIMESTAMP while creating a table. Therefore, to enter the value at the time of data INSERT in version lower than CUBRID 9.0, the function should be entered to the VALUES clause of the INSERT syntax. INDEX_CARDINALITY ================= .. function:: INDEX_CARDINALITY(table, index, key_pos) The **INDEX_CARDINALITY** function returns the index cardinality in a table. The index cardinality is the number of unique values defining the index. The index cardinality can be applied even to the partial key of the multiple column index and displays the number of the unique value for the partial key by specifying the column location with the third parameter. If you want the updated result from this function, you should run **UPDATE STATISTICS** statement. :param table: Table name :param index: Index name that exists in the *table* :param key_pos: Partial key location. It *key_pos* starts from 0 and has a range that is smaller than the number of columns consisting of keys; that is, the *key_pos* of the first column is 0. For the single column index, it is 0. It can be one of the following types. * Character string that can be converted to a numeric type. * Numeric type that can be converted to an integer type. The **FLOAT** or the **DOUBLE** types will be the value converted by the **ROUND** function. :rtype: INT The return value is 0 or a positive integer and if any of the input parameters is **NULL**, **NULL** is returned. If tables or indexes that are input parameters are not found, or *key_pos* is out of range, **NULL** is returned. .. code-block:: sql CREATE TABLE t1( i1 INTEGER , i2 INTEGER not null, i3 INTEGER unique, s1 VARCHAR(10), s2 VARCHAR(10), s3 VARCHAR(10) UNIQUE); CREATE INDEX i_t1_i1 ON t1(i1 DESC); CREATE INDEX i_t1_s1 ON t1(s1(7)); CREATE INDEX i_t1_i1_s1 on t1(i1,s1); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i_t1_i2_s2 ON t1(i2,s2); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,1,1,'abc','abc','abc'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2,2,2,'zabc','zabc','zabc'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2,3,3,'+abc','+abc','+abc'); UPDATE STATISTICS ON t1; SELECT INDEX_CARDINALITY('t1','i_t1_i1_s1',0); :: index_cardinality('t1', 'i_t1_i1_s1', 0) =========================================== 2 .. code-block:: sql SELECT INDEX_CARDINALITY('t1','i_t1_i1_s1',1); :: index_cardinality('t1', 'i_t1_i1_s1', 1) =========================================== 3 .. code-block:: sql SELECT INDEX_CARDINALITY('t1','i_t1_i1_s1',2); :: index_cardinality('t1', 'i_t1_i1_s1', 2) =========================================== NULL .. code-block:: sql SELECT INDEX_CARDINALITY('t123','i_t1_i1_s1',1); :: index_cardinality('t123', 'i_t1_i1_s1', 1) ============================================ NULL INET_ATON ========= .. function:: INET_ATON( ip_string ) The **INET_ATON** function receives the string of an IPv4 address and returns a number. When an IP address string such as 'a.b.c.d' is entered, the function returns "a * 256 ^ 3 + b * 256 ^ 2 + c * 256 + d". The return type is **BIGINT**. :param ip_string: IPv4 address string :rtype: BIGINT In the following example, is calculated as "192 * 256 ^ 3 + 168 * 256 ^ 2 + 0 * 256 + 10". .. code-block:: sql SELECT INET_ATON(''); :: inet_aton('') ============================ 3232235530 INET_NTOA ========= .. function:: INET_NTOA( expr ) The **INET_NTOA** function receives a number and returns an IPv4 address string. The return type is VARCHAR. :param expr: Numeric expression :rtype: STRING .. code-block:: sql SELECT INET_NTOA(3232235530); :: inet_ntoa(3232235530) ====================== '' LAST_INSERT_ID ============== .. function:: LAST_INSERT_ID() The **LAST_INSERT_ID** function returns the value that has been most recently inserted to the **AUTO_INCREMENT** column by a single **INSERT** statement. :rtype: BIGINT The value returned by the **LAST_INSERT_ID** function has the following characteristics. * The latest **LAST_INSERT_ID** value which was INSERTed successfully is maintained. But even if it fails to INSERT, **AUTO_INCREMENT** value is internally increased and there is a change for **LAST_INSERT_ID**\() value. .. note:: From 9.0, when **INSERT** statement is failed, **AUTO_INCREMENT** value will be internally increased but there will be no change for **LAST_INSERT_ID**\() value. .. code-block:: sql CREATE TABLE tbl(a INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, b INT UNIQUE); INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (null, 1); INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (null, 1); :: ERROR: Operation would have caused one or more unique constraint violations. .. code-block:: sql INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (null, 1); :: ERROR: Operation would have caused one or more unique constraint violations. .. code-block:: sql SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID(); :: 3 -- From 9.0, above value will be 1. .. code-block:: sql INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (null, 2); SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID(); :: 4 * In the Multiple-rows **INSERT** statement(INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (), (), ..., ()), **LAST_INSERT_ID**\ () returns the firstly inserted **AUTO_INCREMENT** value. In other words, from the second row, there is no change on **LAST_INSERT_ID**\ () value even if the next rows are inserted. .. code-block:: sql INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (null, 11), (null, 12), (null, 13); SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID(); :: 5 .. code-block:: sql INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (null, 21); SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID(); :: 8 * If **INSERT** statement succeeds to execute, **LAST_INSERT_ID** () value is not recovered to its previous value even if the transaction is rolled back. .. code-block:: sql -- csql> ;autocommit off CREATE TABLE tbl2(a INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, b INT UNIQUE); INSERT INTO tbl2 VALUES (null, 1); COMMIT; SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID(); :: 1 .. code-block:: sql INSERT INTO tbl2 VALUES (null, 2); INSERT INTO tbl2 VALUES (null, 3); ROLLBACK; SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID(); :: 3 * **LAST_INSERT_ID**\ () value used from the inside of a trigger cannot be identified from the outside of the trigger. * **LAST_INSERT_ID**\ is independently kept by a session of each application. .. code-block:: sql CREATE TABLE ss (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, text VARCHAR(32)); INSERT INTO ss VALUES (NULL, 'cubrid'); SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID (); :: last_insert_id() ======================= 1 .. code-block:: sql INSERT INTO ss VALUES (NULL, 'database'), (NULL, 'manager'); SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID (); :: last_insert_id() ======================= 2 .. code-block:: sql CREATE TABLE tbl (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT); INSERT INTO tbl values (500), (NULL), (NULL); SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID(); :: last_insert_id() ======================= 1 .. code-block:: sql INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (500), (NULL), (NULL); SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID(); :: last_insert_id() ======================= 3 .. code-block:: sql SELECT * FROM tbl; :: id ======================= 500 1 2 500 3 4 LIST_DBS ======== .. function:: LIST_DBS() The **LIST_DBS** function outputs the list of all databases in the directory file(**$CUBRID_DATABASES/databases.txt**), separated by blanks.  :rtype: STRING .. code-block:: sql SELECT LIST_DBS(); :: list_dbs() ====================== 'testdb demodb' ROW_COUNT ========= .. function:: ROW_COUNT() The **ROW_COUNT** function returns the number of rows updated (**UPDATE**, **INSERT**, **DELETE**, **REPLACE**) by the previous statement. ROW_COUNT returns 1 for each inserted row and 2 for each updated row for **INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE** statement. It returns the sum of number of deleted and inserted rows for **REPLACE** statement. Statements triggered by trigger will not affect the ROW_COUNT for the statement. :rtype: INT .. code-block:: sql CREATE TABLE rc (i int); INSERT INTO rc VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7); SELECT ROW_COUNT(); :: row_count() =============== 7 .. code-block:: sql UPDATE rc SET i = 0 WHERE i > 3; SELECT ROW_COUNT(); :: row_count() =============== 4 .. code-block:: sql DELETE FROM rc WHERE i = 0; SELECT ROW_COUNT(); :: row_count() =============== 4 USER, SYSTEM_USER ================= .. function:: USER() .. function:: SYSTEM_USER() The functions **USER** and **SYSTEM_USER** are identical and they return the user name together with the host name. The :c:macro:`USER` and :c:macro:`CURRENT_USER` pseudo-columns return the user names who has logged on to the current database as character strings. :rtype: STRING .. code-block:: sql --selecting the current user on the session SELECT SYSTEM_USER (); :: user() ====================== 'PUBLIC@cubrid_host' .. code-block:: sql SELECT USER(), CURRENT_USER; :: user() CURRENT_USER ============================================ 'PUBLIC@cubrid_host' 'PUBLIC' .. code-block:: sql --selecting all users of the current database from the system table SELECT name, id, password FROM db_user; :: name id password ========================================================= 'DBA' NULL NULL 'PUBLIC' NULL NULL 'SELECT_ONLY_USER' NULL db_password 'ALMOST_DBA_USER' NULL db_password 'SELECT_ONLY_USER2' NULL NULL VERSION ======= .. function:: VERSION() The **VERSION** function returns the version character string representing the CUBRID server version. :rtype: STRING .. code-block:: sql SELECT VERSION(); :: version() ===================== ''